Creative City Public Charter School is a progressive charter elementary school in northwest Baltimore City. With small classes and a focus on the arts, students connect with nature and their community through hands-on projects and exploration. We are open to all students in Baltimore City. Students are chosen by lottery, not by grades or test scores.
Creative City Public Charter School uses Baltimore City’s natural and built environments and communities as a learning foundation. Our elementary school, where teachers, students and parents share governance and cooperate on curriculum and community decisions, builds on the inquisitive nature of children to drive the project-based arts-integrated curriculum, developing self-directed critical thinkers.
Young people will be collaborative learners and creative thinkers who become leaders, active citizens, effective communicators, and good stewards of their environment.
We believe all children have unlimited capacity. We challenge ourselves and each other to confront the historical and ongoing effects of structural racism. We commit to grounding every action and decision in equity and justice.